The Horse Webinars
The IAPF is pleased to offer our members and others the opportunity to watch on-demand webinars and presentations and listen to podcasts which have been produced by various educational entities in the farrier industry. Please click on the a link below to watch or listen to the webinar or presentation at your convenience. After watching the webinar or presentation or listening to podcast, IAPF members should return to this page and click on the link to request that CE credit be awarded to the member.
NOTE: The techniques and comments stated by the presenters are those of the presenter and not those of the IAPF or sponsor.

The Horse has produced a regular series of Horse Health Videos. As these videos are produced the AAPF/IAPF will confirm that they are related to hoofcare. If they meet this criteria the videos will be included in this list. To watch these presentations you will first need to create a FREE account with The Horse.
"Equine Innovators: Racetrack Surfaces with Dr. Mick Peterson"
Presenter: Mick Peterson PhD
Published: August 31, 2020
Published: August 31, 2020
"Podotrochlosis (Navicular Syndrome) Update"
Presenters: Kyla Ortved DVM PhD & Patrick Reilly, University of Pennsylvania
Published: November 8, 2018
Published: November 8, 2018
"Is the Hoof Smart? Adaptability of the Equine Foot"
Presenter: Debra Taylor DVM, University of Auburn
Published: September 30, 2014
Published: September 30, 2014