Roy Bloom Scholarship Recipients and Sponsors

The Roy Bloom Scholarship Trophy features a rooster hand-forged by Mr. Terry Holst CJF APF of Millville, Minnesota. On the base, there are the names of all previous honorees and major contributors to the Roy Bloom Scholarship Fund. The trophy can be viewed annually during the International Hoof-Care Summit in Cincinnati, Ohio.
- Joseph Proby AF-I of Crete, Illinois
- Wesley Stewart APF-I of Colo Vale, New South Wales, Australia
- Michael Diehl AF of Turlock, California
- Meredith Martin APF-I of Scottsville, Virginia
- Elke Albrecht AF-I of LaGrangeville, New York
- Patrick Hall CJF APF of Fort Collins, Colorado
- Marc Condrey APF of Bumpass, Virginia
- Carlina Grey AF of Plymouth, California
- Gabriel (Gabe) Griffin CF APF-I of Orangevale, California
- Ashley Gasky CF APF-I of Ballston Lake, New York
- Deanna Stoppler APF-I of Underhill, Vermont
- Kolby Best of Plymouth, California
- David Delli Santi APF of Randolph, New Jersey
- Jessica Fey
- Franklin King
- Kelsie Nickerson APF of Marysville, Washington
- Reeve Colflesh of Swall Meadows, California
- Mandy McNitt of Reno, Nevada
- Angela Berwick
- Sam Zalesky
The IAPF Board of Directors would like to express their deepest appreciation to the many individuals and companies who have made financial contributions to the Roy Bloom Scholarship Fund.
Major Contributors include:
Frank Reilly DVM APF of Unionville, Pennsylvania
Royden A. Bloom CJF APF-I of Drummond, Wisconsin
James E. Gilchrist APF-I of Wellington, Florida
Bryan J. Quinsey of West Palm Beach, Florida
Ernest Woodward APF of Cardiff, California
R. T. Duggan Farrier Supply of Ramsey, Minnesota
Meader Supply Corporation of Rochester, New Hampshire
NC Tool Company of Pleasant Garden, North Carolina
Adam D. Wynbrandt APF-I & The Horseshoe Barn of Sacramento, California
Are you interested in making a financial donation to the Roy Bloom Scholarship Fund? If so, please contact the IAPF at 859-533-1465 or