The IAPF provides numerous tangible benefits to its members, but the most valuable benefits the IAPF will provide for members are the intangible benefits. The IAPF will represent the farrier profession as a unified voice to affect policies, regulations, and legislation to protect your occupation.
Farrier Accreditation & Continuing Education
The IAPF's Farrier Accreditation program recognizes the life-long accomplishments of our members. With five years of experience, members are awarded the designation of Accredited Professional Farrier (APF). After two years of experience, farriers can obtain Accredited Farrier (AF) status. Both levels of Accreditation require 24 pre-approved IAPF Continuing Education Credits per year to maintain your Accreditation status.
Legislative Advocacy
As a non-profit 501(c)(6) organization, the IAPF is able to constantly monitor any proposed legislation that could affect the farrier industry. We are able to use our resources to contact federal and state legislators whenever necessary to confirm that the best interests of our members are being protected. The Canadian Association of Professional Farriers (CAPF) is a registered non-profit organization under the regulations of Revenue Canada. And, the International Association of Professional Farriers Inc. is a registered non-profit organization under the regulations of Australia and New South Wales.
Communication is a key ingredient to the success of any organization. You will be receiving a bi-monthly newsletter.
Every Member will receive an annual subscription to the "American Farriers Journal" - our Official Publication. Already a subscriber? Lessiter Media will provide you with a credit to be used for their books, other publications or discounts for the International Hoof-Care Summit. In addition, members will also receive an annual subscription to "The Horse: Your Guide to Equine Health Care".
Markel Insurance Company has provided uninterrupted coverage for horses and horse-related risks for over 50 years. Markel has specially designed an affordable Farrier's Insurance Program for IAPF members in the United States. Coverages include general and professional liability, care, custody & control and equipment and supplies. Markel can also customize a package policy to include your home and farrier rig. IAPF members are eligible for a 10% association credit and if you are an IAPF Accredited Farrier (meaning you have either AF or APF designations) you may receive an additional discount.*
For additional information call Markel Direct at 800-821-5558, visit
Click here for a link to the fill-in-the-blanks application for Farrier Liability Insurance from Markel.
*Rates and coverages for this program may vary by state.
The IAPF offers a program which allows for the matching of farrier school graduates and seasoned farriers (Mentees) with professional farriers (Mentors).This program is designed to develop ongoing lifetime relationships of learning, dialog, and challenges. IAPF Continuing Education credits are awarded upon application. CLICK HERE for an application.
The IAPF website is like no other website in the industry. You're able to post personal and professional information, connect with fellow farriers and upload pictures, articles and videos - which includes making your profile you own personal website - at no additional cost! The site also includes articles, power points and videos for members to download and use in their profession.
As the IAPF was being developed one issue rose to the top of all others - the need for our members to know what is happening with THEIR association. Our website includes a "Members Only" section where we post our annual budget, monthly profit and loss statement, balance sheet and minutes to every Board of Directors meeting. If you want more information - please ask. The IAPF belongs to its members.
Search for Farriers
Our website includes a "Search for Farriers" feature for horse owners. They'll be able to search on every word that you enter in your profile - city, state, discipline, years as a professional, school of graduation, Farrier Accreditation status and so much more!
Hoofcare Essentials
Hoofcare Essentials is a registered trademark of the American and International Associations of Professional Farriers. We elected to promote our global commitment to farrier and horse owner education through the Hoofcare Essentials platform. As of July 2020, we are in the process of changing the name of our AAPF IAPF Foundation to the Hoofcare Essentials Foundation.
Do you accept credit cards for your farrier or veterinary practice? Have you thought about accepting credit cards to ease your cash flow? The IAPF has been designated as an official partner of PaySafe - a platform which allows the association to negotiate rates and services based specifically on the needs of the IAPF farrier. Current rates average about 3.5% which includes all transaction fees. Equipment (card readers) are provided a no charge. SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY: If you sign up with this program and process at least $50,000 in credit cards in a 12 month period, you can earn FREE IAPF membership (a $200 savings!)
Square is another opportunity for credit card processing. Rates are slightly higher: 2.75% (swipe) or 3.5% plus $0.15 per transaction (keyed-in). Canadian members may now apply for Square! Click here for the Square application.
Not sure which option is right for you? Call the IAPF office at 859-533-1465 to obtain additional information.
Equestrian Professional is an online business resource for professional equestrians. Horse professionals who are members of the American and International Associations of Professional Farriers receive a 10% discount on all of our membership plans. A subscription to this website will provide you with the information you can use to start, grow, and improve your business. Click here to learn more about this membership opportunity. Click Here to apply for membership.
As an AAPF member you will have the option to join USRider - Equestrian Motor Plan and enjoy their membership benefits which include (click on benefit to see details):
- USRider Emergency Roadside Assistance
- USRider Equestrian Benefits
- Additional USRider Travel Services
- Winner's Circle Advantage Discounts
- USRider Leg-Up Fund
The $29 activation fee will be waived for all AAPF members.

1616 H Street NW 7th Floor, Washington, DC 20006
Phone: (202) 296-4031
Fax: (202) 296-1970
The IAPF is a proud member of the American Horse Council (AHC). As a member of the IAPF, you too will be a member of the AHC. The goal of the AHC is to ensure that the industry works together in Washington to accomplish our ultimate goal of "Keeping Opportunities Open" for the horse industry. The AHC believes that consensus and coordinated action by our members in dealing with federal legislation and regulations is the best way to accomplish our goal. The AHC works toward those ends whenever possible. IAPF Members are also eligible for discounts through the AHC Advantage Program. These discounts include:
John Deere
John Deere has been a trusted supplier of equipment and service to the equine industry for generations. Now, as a member of a qualifying equine association (IAPF), you can get savings on select John Deere tractors, utility vehicles, mowers, commercial worksite equipment, implements and more. Simply contact the NTRA Advantage office at 1-866-678-4289 before you make your purchase (The IAPF office will be called to confirm your membership). Click here for additional details.
The John Deere Equine Association Discount Program offers five (5) ways to save:
- Full-Time program is exclusively for those individuals and businesses involved full-time as owners, breeders, trainers, or others supporting themselves through full-time involvement within the equine industry. Save up to 28% on select new equipment.
- Part-Time Coupon program offers significant coupon discounts from $35 to $1,000 off select equipment. Individual members of any qualifying equine association, who have been members for at least 90 days and have horses, are eligible.
- Construction program is exclusively for those individuals and businesses involved full-time as owners, breeders, trainers, or others supporting themselves through full-time involvement within the equine industry. Save up to 21% on select new construction equipment.
- Landscape program offers so many ways to help your business grow and profit. JDL carries only top-quality, name brand products and offer a full selection of products, including agronomic supplies. discounts available on all non-parts merchandise to members. Among the items in the equine section are bits, halters, spurs, lead ropes, cinches, saddle pads, horse blankets, hay bags and overreach boots. Also available on the site are apparel, hats, toys, home and garden accessories, pet accessories, artwork and more.
Sherwin Williams
Receive up to 40% discount on Sherwin-Williams paints, plus discounts on in-store products, including floor and wall coverings.
OfficeMax outfits offices with everything from office and computer supplies to paper and office furniture. From the smallest businesses to multinational corporations, you are eligible for great savings! Savings depend on the products you purchase. Members are eligible to receive the Preferred Pricing on products including general supplies, furniture, custom printing, and special orders.
Covering more ground faster than ever! Enjoy discounts up to 30% off NEXT DAY and 2ND DAY shipping and up to 5% off GROUND shipping services.
Valvoline Oil
Discounts on oil changes, service, parts, and products. Enhanced discounts for farrier rigs and farm vehicles.